文章來源: 初雪2013-05-19 08:42:33




“Sure! Can I have some computer time after this?"

“NO! 遊戲玩太多對你不好,你知道的。”

“But...1. we have lots of rabbits, will take me a long time. that's kinda hard work. I should get reward for that.

2. all of my friends have computer times everyday without doing anything. seriously! they don't need to earn it. they can play as long as they want after finishing their homework. but I don't get anything, even I finish my homework, plus do my chore, plus do extra work like feeding the rabbits. that's unfair. Please, MOM, can I have some computer time?"




"Thank you mom!! I love you!!" 看我繳械投降,兒子快樂地抱著我在臉上啄一口


“How much computer time do I get for this?"

“uh... half hour."

"What??? that's a lot of work, you know.  I have to do ......,and...., plus....., then....... So, see, that's really a lot of work! Can I have an hour?"


"But why?"

"Because all of those work will only take you 10 minutes."

"No, it will take more than 10 minutes.......seriously"


竭盡全力按捺住我那即將爆發的小火山:"Ok, I hear you. Now go to work."

"So I get an hour?"

"Half hour."

"Oh, please mom....."

"20 minutes."

"MOM, please..."



終於老媽鳳眼圓睜,一字一句鏗鏘有力:“你再說,you get nothing!!!"

老三這下意識到了問題的嚴重性,立馬投降:“Ok, ok, half hour.  Thank you mom!”
