文章來源: Dr.He2010-01-04 16:40:24


Eighteen movement of Coach Xu  Self-health care


眼常運               Move the eyes often


鼻常摸               Touch the nose often


耳常彈               Tap the ears often


齒常叩               Click the teeth often


發常梳               Comb the hair often


津常咽               Swallow saliva often


頸常轉               Roll the neck often


胸常拍               Slap the chest often


腹常揉               Massage the belly often


背常檫               Stroke the back often


腰常捶               Pat the kidneys often


肛常提               Tighten the sphincter (rectum) often


肩常聳               Shrug the shoulders often


臂常甩               Swing the arms often


手常動               Exercise the hands often


腿常伸(展)          Stretch the legs often


膝常旋               Rotate the knees often


腳常搓               Rub the soles often