陽陽:What\'s happening, dude?
文章來源: 小花菜2009-11-23 23:41:39
陽陽看了 Letter Factory,每天不停的唱字母歌。最可愛的是他學電視上的人說話:B says "b", (then sing Beethoven Symphony #5 theme).... J says "j" (then jump).... U says "u" (then fly the letter up)... L says "l" (singing 藍色多瑙河 theme). The cutest is W.

"w, w, w, What's happening, Dude? w, w, w, What's going on with you?"

陽陽的腦子太好使了!現在一點也不能哄騙他。他的記性和理解力也超強。上星期五他看到我給他新買的一件衣服上有四輛卡通片 Cars 的車,其中一輛我們不認識。他問我是什麽。我說,等下媽媽把我們的車的書找出來,查一查。後來我一直沒找到書。衣服洗了,在洗衣機裏。那兩天,陽陽幾次把抽屜打開,找衣服,說讓媽媽把車的書找出來查一查汽車的名字。他居然還記得。今天,我找到了書。他連忙讓我去查汽車的名字。我們翻了整本書,沒見到那輛52號車。我說下午起床媽媽到網上給你查。午睡過後,阿姨給他換衣服,問他衣服上的汽車叫什麽,陽陽說,媽媽到電腦上查一查。隨後他走到電腦前,拿起鼠標,放到衣服上掃。太可愛了!

Meimei can push herself into a sitting position, but she cannot sit unsupported yet. She can go around in the room now, and she eats everything, quickly. She loves the blowfish in her bath tub. She is always curious, and attentive. She is so cute!