文章來源: ZQQ2008-05-22 08:49:22
昨天下午去做了B超。因為FIRST TRIMESTER 結果很好,SECOND TRIMESTER的血檢結果也很讓人放心。我差點忘記這次B超還有SCREENING的作用,我就想著可以揭曉是男孩女孩了,直到MAOMAOMA上來說檢查一切順利,我才想起還有比性別更重要的事,汗一個!

結果是非常的好!老大那時候檢查又是心髒白點,又是腦部有CYST,搞得我一點初次懷孕的喜悅都沒有了。即使是後來做了FETAL ECHO 檢查,OB更給我打"保票",我對於不做養穿的決定還是非常擔心,直到後來寶寶的動靜越來越大,一個多月以後才把重心轉移掉。 這一次,TECHNICIAN做完以後,我問孩子是不是都好,她說一切都PERFECT,但是最後結論要等FETAL MEDICINE DOCTOR看了她出的報告,然後再來看一遍給。接下來就有了和DOCTOR輕鬆又有趣的對話。
幾分鍾以後,FETAL MEDICINE DOCTOR笑眯眯的進來說,Hey!I remeber you! You got really good result last time! 然後翻了翻CHART說,Second blood work is also great! Now let's see the baby one more time! 邊做B超邊問我有沒有問題,我就說了老大那時候的情況,他說,You don't need to worry about that this time, since there is none! Besides, white spot in asian is common, like 30%!
等做完以後,他問我,What do you think about amniocentesis?
My result is really good, right? What is your opinion? I am not sure!
We will be mainly looking for down symdrome,your score has put you at the same risk as a 20 year old, which is great! But you have to keep in mind this is only probability, if you want to be sure, you can do amniocentesis!
I know statistics, it is my job.
他聽了以後就笑了,Ok! In that case, statistically speaking,it is more likely for me to make you miscarriage than I find problem with the baby! Did you do it for the first baby?
他說,Then why for this one!
