4 months check up
文章來源: 052620062008-08-01 14:28:35
Weight 15LBS
Height  24Inches
Head    16Inches

Length = between percentile 5 and 10
Weight = between percentile 25 and 50
Head Circumference = between percentile 5 and 10

Still a tiny boy compare to other babys..:(

Baby's new picture, stil don't know how to post the pictures from picture trail...:((

Baby got his second set of shots today, cried for about a mintue, sitting with us for breakfeast, went to shopping center with Mom and Grandpa while Grandma got her haircut, fell sleep and then waked up when we got to the Social Security office to get Grandma and Grandpa's Social security office, waiting for almost two hours...Such a good boy that he never really cried,just fussy a bit in the end...:)

always wanted to start a baby journal, always can't seem to get it started. Too busy to be working and being a mother at the same time!! Baby has grown a lot during the past months, he start to laugh out a lot, everytime he sees me, his face just light up and he starts smiling at me, those smiles can melt your heart away. He learned to turn and now begin to sleep on his belly now....We bought him his exersaucer and he can stay in there for over half an hour and just play!

One thing though, he still can't sleep through the night, his doctor says that it is not because that he is hungry, he is probably getting used to wake up at that hour and we should just leave him there and have him crying out for bit, but with my mother in the same house, I doubt that she would allow baby to cry at night...

Doctor also suggests that I am start him too early on veige and fruit, we should wait until baby is 6 months old, right now only rice cereal is approved for him. Baby also started taking 50% of formula as I cut down pumping to twice a day now. He can go through on 12 OZ can in 2-3 weeks (cost about $15 per can), if he is going with all formula, he can use one can in 3 days...he is eating fine, just not gaining a lot of weight though...