文章來源: 坪地2006-08-29 16:54:06
俺的新港影像:啤酒,爬梯,美女,帥哥,歡笑(也許加上大麻?),就像聽到邊上一美國口音的評論“This place rocks!“ Nyhavn (lit. "New Harbor") is a popular area in Copenhagen, Denmark with both locals and tourists. The street is lined with many small bars and restaurants facing out to a picturesque harbor. In warmer weather people fill every available table in the outdoors seating area in front of every restaurant. And even in cooler weather the heartier types sit outdoors with a beer and a blanket, provided by the restaurant on each seat, over their legs. Nyhavn was built by King Christian V, and it once had a bad reputation on account of the concentration of sailors living in the neighborhood. 1 2 3 4 5 Taks!_(a)