The Golden Goose
文章來源: samnut2006-05-31 22:14:33
I usually pick up the business section of any paper I can find when I go to the gym. I can't just bike or run or read. I have to mix them. Well, I can't bike and run at the same time. In today's San Jose Mercury News there was an article "Stanford still the golden goose of valley tech. Yesterday there was a forum of 5 Billionaires or near billionaire veterans of the computer science department. One was the former president of Sun Microsystems, Andy Bechtolsheim. Another was Jim Clark, who founded Silicon Graphics . David Shaw of the Wall Street investment fund D E SHAW was there as were David Filo and Jerry Yang, co-founders of Yahoo. Noticeably absent were Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google . Had they brought their wives and divided their bank books in half they could have increased the number of billionaires present. Mark Horowitz, president of Rambus...(I am not allowed to view their home page..) made an interesting comment that brings this event into the PanAsianBiz fold. "If you make it difficult for foreign students to come will have a dramatick effect on the quality of the technology industry in the United States." continue reading....