媽媽, 你可以再生一個BABY嗎?
文章來源: 三月裏的小雨2006-06-21 11:27:03
昨天, 陪兒子睡覺時, 他突然問我: 媽媽, 你可以再生一個BABY嗎?

問得我一楞, 想了想說: NO. 媽媽有你和妹妹已經很開心了. 你為什麽要問這個問題呢? Do you want another baby?

兒子很失望.....: No. I wish you have said "Yes" then I could say if you are able to take care of another baby, then you are able to handle a dog (他這幾天一直吵著要隻貓或狗, 未果)

"^&*#$...." 幸好沒上套.