文章來源: ii062006-06-05 13:29:52

一對兒女就讀於P城的Community Park Elementary School, 每周四帶回來校長辦公室編寫的NEWS LETTER, 報告過去的一周以及下一周值得關注的EventsSchool calendarWelcome to the new familyCongratulations to students who received some prices, Events around town, etc..

有時候從中能讀到一些關於教育孩子的Tips,這是我最欣賞的.下麵摘引兩則原文,一則是幫助孩子Deal with homework:

  • Begin at the beginning. Teach your child to break large projects into small, manageable parts.

  • List study goal. Before each study sessions, your child should make a to-do list. He/She can post the list and cross off finished tasks.

  • Play beat the clock. Have your child estimate how long homework should take. Then set a timer and challenge him/her to “beat the clock”.

  • Organize material. It’s hard to study when you can’t find supplies. Make sure your child has an organization system that makes sense to him/her, such as color-coded folder for each subject.

  • Review early and often. Instead of cramming the night before a test, review material immediately after class and then every few days.


另一則是一些具體的PHRASES 用於鼓勵孩子:

Phrases that demonstrate Acceptance:

“I like the way you handled that.”

“I’m glad you enjoy learning.’

“I’m glad you are pleased with…”

“Since you are not satisfied, what do you think you can do?”

“How do you feel about it?”

“It looks as if you enjoyed that.”


Phrases that show confidence:

“I have confidence in your judgment.”

“That’s rough one, but I’m sure you’ll work it out.’

“You’ll figure it out.”

“Knowing you, I’m sure you’ll do fine.”


Phrases that Focus on Appreciation:

“Thanks. That helped a lot.”

“It was thoughtful of you to…”

“I really appreciate…, because it makes my job easier.”

“I need your help on….”


Phrases that Recognize Effort and Improvement:

“It looks as if you really worked hard on that.”

“I see that you’re moving along.”

“Look at the progress you’ve made.”(be specific)

“You may not feel that you’ve reached your goal, but look how far you’ve come.”