小天使(1357)-Ethan & Iris
文章來源: 小樹苗2008-02-24 19:06:20
Ethan loves his baby sister. (Iris ,中文名樊逸嬈,誕生於 2007 年 12月11日,體重8磅10盎司,身長21英寸,是個大塊頭)。
He always checks on her to see how she is doing: Is she hungry? Is she bored? Does she need company?

Ethan likes spending more time with Iris now. The pictures here show: (1) Ethan does situps, and Iris helps! (2) Ethan helps Iris sit and look around her. (3) Ethan lies down with Iris.
Help Bro with Sit-up1Help Bro with Sit-up2
Bro Holding Me2Bro Holding Me3
Lying with Bro2Lying with Bro4Lying with Bro6