文章來源: 小樹苗2006-11-28 19:32:26
by A-mao



兒子是那種隻讀"fact"的書的孩子。半年前想介紹“Magic TreeHouse”給他讀,小人兒讀了兩本,說:“They are fake stories”, 再沒興趣。“軟硬兼施”, 想讓兒子再讀MagicTreeHouse,他也是作作樣子,全沒興趣。後來,兒子的老師給他推薦,一向把老師的話當“神旨”的兒子,居然還是提不起興趣。沒辦法,老爸隻得另作打算。

知道兒子財迷,經常為他的幾十塊錢數來數去(也是學校的數學功課),就提出“獎金”一說:讀一本,一個quarter!有錢的事還是要幹地。兒子就開始讀Magic Tree House。開始還記得要錢,現在上“癮”了,錢是不提了,連吃飯都放不下書本。再問他:“ Is it fun toread this set of stories?”

" Yes, very interesting!"


向所有同齡孩子一樣,兒子對記東西是沒興趣的。這個學期的鋼琴recital快來了,老師3周前就讓他開始記第一首曲子。一周前就差不多了。於是,老師又交待記另一首。到上星期天,兒子還沒記下一半。我隻好給老師說:“He hates to memorizenotes.”老師開玩笑說:“Finally, you are just a normal kid.”

於是,老師和兒子談:“Ifyou memorize the 2nd one by next weekend, you can play both in therecital. I have to make a judgement by next weekend.”

昨晚在家練習鋼琴,俺提起這事,小人兒一口拒絕:“I want to play only one in the recital.”

知道Push是沒用,就拿錢“引誘”一下:“Ok, let's make a deal. if you memorize the 2nd oneby the end of this week, you get 1 dollar as reward. If you do bothinthe recital perfectly, you get 5 dollars as reward.”

“Really? Deal! I will get it done this evening!”

不過,試了20遍,還是沒記住。俺不得不讓他停下來, 說:“You have time until this weekend. So take it easy.”
