文章來源: 小樹苗2006-05-25 23:02:01

by 冰溪

You're lucky

Evan really has picked up on his talking recently. However, like all the kids at this stage, some of his pronunciations are not there yet and he mutters lot.

So quite often I can not understand what he is trying to say and if I do not give him the responses he expects he will just keep on repeating the same sentence until I get it or he gets very frustrated and cries.


It is very hard to fool him as well with vague responses like “yeah”,“ah-ha” or “I got it”. So to avoid the crying fiasco, I rely a lot on Olivia to help me out. “Olivia, could you please let me know what yourbrother is saying?”

To my surprise, she gets eighty percent of themwhich is pretty amazing. She is like my ultimate resort.


Todayis one of those days. Olivia prevented another crying episode from Evan when I could not figure out what he was asking in the playroom as I was simply clueless.

I tried all the combinations there were and still did not get it; Evan became frustrated and started to cry. So I had to ask “Olivia, do you know what he is saying?”

After she saved me again, Olivia said to me: “Mommy, you are very lucky to have a daughter who knows what your son is talking about”.


I sure am, honey.

Who is My Mom?

Fortonight’s bedtime story, Evan picked out a book called “I Love You likea Crazy Cake”. It is about a story of an American woman adopting aChinese little girl.

I held him in front of me and started reading“Once upon a time in China,there was a baby girl who lived in a big room with a lot of other babies.

They shared the cribs with one another and became greatfriends, but each was missing something…”

“A mother!” Olivia took over.


Just for fun, I asked Evan: “Is Evan missing a mother? Who is Evan’smother?”

Apparently Evan is not familiar with the word “mother”, so heanswered: “Granna.”

Olivia immediately said: “No, Evan, Granna is notyour mother, she is daddy’s mother.”

I pretended to be upset: “Evan,you do not know who your mother is? I am your mother.”

What he saidnext made me do not know whether I should cry or laugh: “No, you arexxx (my first name), I don’t have a mother.”



Oh (hands on my chest)…我的寶貝兒子 (my precious boy), you are like shooting an arrow into mommy’s heart, it hurts even though I know you did not do it on purpose.

When can you grow up to understand everything?


Finally Olivia and I convinced Evan that mommy is mother and I am his mother and I did not let him go down until he answered “Yes” to my question “Am I your mother?”