文章來源: 虔謙2009-11-07 13:26:11



朋友老牛知道,我稱自己為曠野虔謙,因為從有一天起,我KIND OF明白了我的命。我的命裏,沒有許多金碧輝煌的幾何形狀的東西,但是,卻有這位讀者和他/她的評論:

作者 ---作品--讀者
文如其人? 文不如其人?
三則評論都是針對我的長篇小說 《不能講的故事》。 再次的謝謝我的這位讀者;也謝謝我許許多多的如同ggw一樣支持著我的讀者們朋友們。

** ggw 評論於:2007-11-21 16:34:12

For me, you must be an Elegant Spirit.
I do not know much about the theory of writing, but I am sure the main characters' values, belief and acts must represent those of the author's, especially when she was writing from her heart. Lu Hua is such a great human being with not only unconditional love to her family, but also an attitude of nonjudgmentalism and acceptance and even love towards those that are being looked down upon by worldly people. She is such an elegant spirit that radiates love, elegance and grace to all. I am sure you are one too.
Happy holiday to you, and all.

Thank you for the wonderful story and your beautiful language. Reading your story is one of the things I have to do everyday. I have fallen in love with your characters, they are so full of love and so gracefully pure. I am hoping they will have a happy ending after all that they have to go through.
Thank you for sharing the story with us! Have a nice weekend!

                          ------ ggw

** ggw 評論於:2007-09-28 09:55:29

Thank you again, QQ, as always.

I am so glad to see how the story has developed. The characters in your story are so real and beautiful. I like the way you explore and focus on the virtues of their personalities. Please keep it. I am a little tired of seeing movies or literatures that always over-stress on Chinese people's weakness, and almost everybody suffer, flight against each other, and die at the end out of jealousy, lack of self-confidence, lack of trust, etc. Like the movie "Hero". It misguides people, not just foreigners, but ourselves to believe that is our culture, which is not true at all. Most Chinese are like the characters in your story, loving, caring, loyal, generous..... So, please keep your main figures positive, and also give them a happy ending -- that's the only I wish.






她住在山腳下的一間小石頭房裏。離她的房子不遠,是個池塘,有棵樹,總開著紫色的花。池塘是活的,連著外河。 每當風起,四岸的蘆絮飄入水中,消逝在河流裏。

---   摘自虔謙新作 《最後一個女人》