春天來了 - 給公司部門的告假信
文章來源: 虔謙2008-02-07 12:39:22

這是按照公司慣例寫的簡單告假信,  平時都是 "零字貼", 這次不一樣,  時逢中國新年,  還碰上這麽大的雪災,  所以我多寫了幾句, 我要和同事分享中國的春節和中國的精神: 

-----Original Message-----
From: MZ
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:02 AM
To: Information Systems - All
Subject: Off Tomorrow and a Little Message Inside ... ~~~
Importance: Low

Last night was Chinese New Year Eve and today is Chinese New Year Day.  I watched the Chinese New Year Celebration on CCTV 9 last night. This has been the program that billions of Chinese watch for several decades already.

However due to the big snow disaster, many of them are still making their way home.  There is one picture shows how a couple separated by the snow, the husband walked (there is no other transportation) like 70 miles or so trying to reach home and fell in sleep right on the road because he was exhausted. 

It does bring me back to my hometown when I watch all those touching pictures and TV shows.

I will be leaving at around 4 PM today.  Have a nice Friday and weekend!

剛寄出了信,  就想起忘了點什麽, 於是又補了一句: 

-----Original Message-----
From: MZ
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:08 AM
To: Information Systems - All
Subject: RE: Bosses don't blame me, one last little message
Importance: Low

 The Chinese New Year signals the coldest season of the year, the Spring has officially started. Enjoy the sun now….  


我沒有跟他們說 "過年好",因為那不是他們的文化;
我也沒有說 "神佑中國",因為在美國公司裏這樣說不是很合適;

但是我真的想說 "神佑中國", 不僅僅因為我愛中國,還因為我看到了中國近年來在物質和精神上的巨大進展; 還因為我心裏真的很想說。

昨天有幸在公共電視台看到了春晚的片斷,最重要的片斷, 就是演員們臨時排練出來的眾誌成城戰勝雪災的節目。那節目顯示出來的是嶄新的中國魂。是關愛,是溫暖,是團結,是勇氣和自信。

我看得淚下。。。從心裏我在說: 神佑中國,我的家鄉!

朋友去 Google  了嗎?  去看看今天Google  首頁是什麽?  -  三隻老鼠, 一個字!

相關文章:  能不愛嗎? 我愛香港, 天佑中華! (圖)

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