文章來源: 牛肉粉絲2008-07-28 10:34:32

每次翻譯成中文之前,我都要查好多次字典確定自己沒弄錯。但不是每次都能找到正確答案。Tenderloin steak打進Google,跳出好幾種不一樣的翻譯來,叫菲利,叫肋眼的,還有就叫牛柳的。最後想了想還是叫菲利比較合適。真的是入口即化,不是誇張的。醬汁因為用的酒醋,有點酸酸的,個人覺得很適合夏天。




Steak:  2 tenderloin steak


Dressing:  mustard vinegarate



Make dressing:  2 tbsp  sherry vinegar;  2 tsp  Dijon mustard;  1 tsp  French whole wheat mustard;  ¼ cup  extra virgin olive oil. Whisk them together.






Before cook, put the steaks back to room temperature and put plates into oven to keep warm. To cook the steaks, heat a pan over medium heat for a while. Dry the steaks with paper towels and season with salt and pepper, and rub a little oil to both sides. Add them to the pan and cook about 3 minutes each side. Turn off the heat, put a cover on and just rest for 5-10 minutes. Take the plates out of oven; put a handful arugula on it. Place the steak lean on the veggie then drizzle the vinegarate dressing on the top.



前麵寫到的那些燜啊盤子保溫啊的小竅門都是從Fiona Beckett的《Steak》這本小食譜上學來的,非常有用。盤子保溫是為了不讓牛排遇冷後收縮導致血水外溢。而燜是用鍋的餘溫來使內部煮熟。如果用煎的一直煎到全熟,這塊牛排就不能要了。所以如果真的想吃十分熟,建議每麵煎約五分鍾,剩下的燜久一點燜熟(不過那樣就真的不好吃了,相信我吧~)。       
