財經觀察 1334 --- 經濟減速正常,早定明年工作
文章來源: 不忘中囯2008-10-09 01:59:53

On Tuesday, NDRC held a forum to review Yangtze-Delta 7 cities's 2008 GDP growth prospects in NanJing. Market expected that the meeting would be one of few such forums held in various regions in next few month, and the outputs of these forum would collect on-the-ground information for upcoming Economic Conference held in Dec. During the meeting, almost all cities have cut down their 2008 GDP growth by 0.5-2.6%.

In addition, Shi Gang, director of NDRC's Intergrated Departement, offers 4 points of requirements for the next step development, which I think it is very important and indicates what the government's attitude toward current economics and global financial crisis. My conclusion is that as said in Dr Ha's today report, I don't expect any imminent rescue plan would be rolled out any time soon, including those property related rules, plus the government may focus more on those long-term untouched issues.                                      

His points include:

To have a correct view on current economic situation - China economy's current slowdown is normal, given very tough global economic difficulty and financial system crisis.

(My personal interpretation: I think it shows that the government is not as frustrated or panic as what market originally imagined, instead, the government actually looks very calm and confident. This can help explain why the government is no hurry to roll out what market called "rescue plan", such as fiscal stimulas and ease of property market tighening rules, rather than to set the country-wide reform as its top priority in its annual part conference, which is regarded as a long-shot strategy to the economy. Even with the recent two IR cuts, it should be regarded only as show of China's good attiude to cooperate with US and other central banks in their crisis.)

To foster a sense of crisis and try to grasp any development opportunity in the currenty crisis.

(This point indicates that the government now focuses more on the development rather than emergency rescue, and try to use the current gold time window (in which most of developed countries are busy in save their banks out of big troubles) to solve those untouched old issues, such as country-wide reform and energy price mechanism, etc. In addition, it also help understand why the CSRC rolled out long-waited stock lending/margin business and the PBoC resumed mid-term CP issuance, which all are long-term systematic building plans.)

To enhance sensitivity and economic monitoring, and to take action as early as possible.

(This points say that even the government is not so concerned about current economic slowdown but it is still very cautious for any further impact from the global recession. And it is ready to take any further actions to avoid big economic issues.)                                                              

To nail down next year's work priority as early as possible.

The belows are the 2 major reports about this topic as your reference:    










早報記者 周玲 吳正懿 













