Fox Sports的Charley Rosen談姚明的犯規和進攻
文章來源: 江小魚兒2006-08-22 18:28:30
Yao needs to get the ball on the move more often. When he's stationary, it's too easy for the defense to load up and jump his handle — because of his size, the ball is simply up for grabs for too long as it travels between the floor and his hands. Also, instead of always positioning him on one box or the other (usually the left), Yao would benefit from claiming a post-position halfway up the lane. This would make double-teaming him much more risky because the passing lanes wouldn't be so clogged and Yao would be able to see both sides of the court. Moreover, by moving him out from the shadow of the hoop, Yao wouldn't be subjected to so much of the body-banging that wears him down. His offense would still be dangerous up there because he's a terrific jump shooter, he could still use his spin and duck-under moves, and he'd be one power-dribble away from his jump hook. The numerous fouls he collects are directly attributed to his slow lateral and vertical movement, and his high center of gravity (which keeps him upright for too long). To protect Yao, the Rockets should also zone more.