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(2008-08-29 11:07:05) 下一個








joann's java jacket! by triciaward.








6。就這一點,可以看出麥肯的老謀深算。剩下就是麥肯 VS 奧巴馬。麥肯會毫不留情地對奧巴馬進行更猛烈的攻擊。


8。選民們可以覺得麥肯太老,但葩玲絕對搶眼。而奧巴馬那些CHANGE的老一套總說來說去的也不新鮮了。 為了收視率,媒體從此會倒向麥肯陣營。







• 出奇製勝:麥肯提阿拉斯加州美女州長當副總統 • 民主黨不願意做的共和黨做了:年輕女VP!
• 到底是什麽美國夢?! • In his own words
• 奧巴馬是怎麽想的? (圖) • [幽默]奧巴馬上台全球將有十大變化 (圖)

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閱讀 ()評論 (46)
laojie 回複 悄悄話 回複mister986的評論:
a white trash.
mister986 回複 悄悄話 麥凱恩的副手牌是個臭牌。
Styx 回複 悄悄話 sorry I really flooded too much on your blog. So I thought about creating my own Wenxuecity blog and exchanging some thoughts there. Welcome to come and discuss related issues.


laojie 回複 悄悄話 回複Styx的評論:
If you believe that after the past 8 years, Repubicans still deserve another term, it is your choice. Once again, McCain bowed to the republican base -- the evangelicals. This Palin, who does not believe evolution, who is pro-life to a point that she knowingly gave birth to a retarded child. McCain himself is a war freak.
You may argue that republicans will cut tax, shrink governement.... But, just examine what they are having been DOING, not just listen to what they are SAYING. Tax cut come with war, who pays the bill? Do we really want a small government who tells you what to do in your bedroom, what to do with your body? This is exact the direction the republican party is heading towards, more and more controled by those crazy evangelicals. It is no use to pretend that McCain will be different from Bush. Even if he wants to be different, he can't. It is a joke to pick a pretty Alaska government and claim the label of "change". However, it is a smart political move. That is what republicans are really good at.

The fact is this: We all know more or less the same thing, and we choose differently. My 2008 vote will be a anti-republican vote.

Obama is a "University of Chicago democrate", meaning: he is a democrate whom is accepted by prof. in the University of Chigao Deapartment of Economy. I assume that you know the reputation of that department.
Styx 回複 悄悄話 回複林韻的評論:

"美國如今是內憂外患,國力衰竭,old McCain是無法勝任的,在布什8年共和黨的領導下,將克林頓留下時的一片大好河山折騰得如此沒落,也真是佩服他了"

Anyone who has a little bit common sense in economics knows that business and economics are always developing in cycles, down follwing up, up following down. The economic boom during the Clinton government benefit directly from Ronald Regon's tax cut policies. Only short-sighted people sees it as a static reflection of Clinton's "capability".

Bush's administration faced severe mideast terrorism attach and challenge almost from day one, which was directly herited from the loose control of Clinton administration on national security.


I have to say Palin's lack of experience in foreign policy and international affairs is a big setback for the Republican ticket. But where is Obama's experience? a tour visit to Europe and Mideast for 2 month! and he even refused to visit the wounded American solders in Iraq because that day there were no TV crew! Would you rather trust your tax money and kids' lives to some talker like him, or like Palin who might not has the "adequate experience now" but sent her 18-year-old son to Iraq, if we were to compare the "inexperience" of Palin and Obama. Plus, Obama is running for the chief-in-commander, and Palin is only for VP. I don't believe McCain would have any accident from Day 1 of his presidency, Palin is a very intelligent person and very quick learner, as shown from her past experience as major and governor (the only one with real executive experience among the 4!), she will pick it up very quickly, better than Obama's 2-month oversea coating!

Give it a second thought please! Just google and read more about Obama, you will be as scared and worried as me!
Styx 回複 悄悄話 回複laojie的評論:

If you were to vote for Rockfeller Republican, you'd better stick with your libral Democratic vote. That makes no big difference. That's why they always lost in the primaries, even though McCain is close in some ways.

As for you comment "fiscally big spenders and socially conservative", I don't know who exactly you mean. McCain and Obama, who is likely to be a fiscally big spender??
Styx 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:

非常同意你的每一條對奧巴馬的總結!我也覺得奧巴馬如果上台,對國家和經濟的危害先不提,在個人操守上,一定是第二個陳水扁。他的多年好友,芝加哥地產商,Tony Rezko 在06年因操縱地方選舉和信用欺詐入獄。而奧巴馬夫婦在案發之前不久從他手裏低價買入了他現在的百萬豪宅!Rezko 同時還為奧巴馬的競選多次募捐,是他在芝加哥的重要籌款人之一!作為回報,Rezko 控製了當時芝加哥和公共醫療事業相關的地產開發。而當時奧巴馬是州議會公共健康和人道服務委員會的主席!對了,Rezko 的資金中還有很大的中東背景。和他同時被捕的就有一個是伊拉克的商人。這樣奧巴馬何以在短短兩年內從岌岌無聞的州議員變成全國政治明星,他的背景和資金來源就相當可疑。

Obama the idealist? what a joke! He was cultivated from the deep Chicago style corruption. Given more power, he would tear off his idealist paint quickly and be more greedy and corrupted than the Clintons! Suffered from childhood abandonment by his parents, especially the never-seen African father, twisted with his ambigiout identification, norished by his pastor's hate-America-liberate-blacks instruction for 20 years, are you expecting an innocent idealist growing from this strange fruit?

Wake up people! Voting for Obama this time is like drinking coolant together with the intoxicated crowd and participating a national suicide!!
laojie 回複 悄悄話 回複totf的評論:
Have you ever heard of Rockefeller Republican?
If you bring a candidate of that kind, I would vote for that person. But not the crazy ones we are offered: fiscally big spenders and socially conservative.
totf 回複 悄悄話 在極左的Obamites眼裏,任何不利於奧巴馬的舉動都是置國家利益於不顧的。也不知道這個國家在哪裏?是不是在他們心裏或者是幻覺中。
laojie 回複 悄悄話 恭喜共和黨政營,在危陷時刻,下了不愧是一招好棋。
smeagolrocks 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
I want some of the stuff you are smoking!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複林韻的評論:















林韻 回複 悄悄話 一直喜歡你的文章,這次無法苟同了,美國如今是內憂外患,國力衰竭,old McCain是無法勝任的,在布什8年共和黨的領導下,將克林頓留下時的一片大好河山折騰得如此沒落,也真是佩服他了


smeagolrocks 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
and I am going to make sure that one count does not go to McCain.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複smeagolrocks的評論:

right, I am glad your vote only counts once too.
smeagolrocks 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
Good thing is that it is not up to you.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複littlebirds的評論:

It is sad, just look at Obama's fan, do they really understand this election is very serious matter? not really.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複smeagolrocks的評論:

If people like Obama can be the President, I rather have a young conservative female President who can carry out common sense policies.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複jwayne_1的評論:

good point, thanks.
jwayne_1 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論: all politician flip and flop to get elected. in addition, flip flop is part of getting better. only stupid bush refuse to flip his disastrous decisions and actions.

but i have to agree that democrats' chance is slim this time. too bad america might fall as all other powerful empires in history.
smeagolrocks 回複 悄悄話 McCain is 72 and a cancer survivor, Palin is 44 and was mayor of a small city of 5000 people 2 yrs ago. If McCain can not perform his duty during his term, Palin will be the president of united states. This is too risky.
yunren 回複 悄悄話 回複bluecurrent的評論:
葩玲是五個孩子的媽媽, 不是四個. the youngest is only five months.
littlebirds 回複 悄悄話 美國麵臨對外兩場戰爭,對內嚴重的金融危機,選民,政客卻還在膚色,性別這些細節上打口水戰打得不亦樂乎。 -__-
yeah, it could be an interesting even funny game show, unfortunately, it is our own money on the table.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複Styx的評論:

Yes, I had the same thoughts. Finally, McCain's pick on Palin makes Obama/Binden look like pretenders, which are really who they are.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複bluecurrent的評論:

Talk is cheap, action takes courage! Obama is very good at talking and imaging. He is dangerous since he flip-flops to get elected.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複mister986的評論:

Well, if that happens, then finally we have a female President in US!
noso 回複 悄悄話 "A Reform Ticket"

"For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's." -- The Wall Street Journal

"A Reform Ticket"
The Wall Street Journal
August 30, 2008

If any doubt remained that former fighter pilot John McCain loves to take unconventional risks, he put them to bed Friday by picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Introduced in Dayton by Mr. McCain, Governor Palin swung the bat pretty well. We'll now see if she can hit curve balls.

It's a daring pick because Mrs. Palin has never faced national scrutiny and hasn't had to deal with foreign policy. Most VP choices are designed to do no harm, and we tend to agree with the maxim. Democrats are already saying they can't wait for Mrs. Palin's debate against "statesman" Joe Biden. On the other hand, the record shows that Sarah Palin's political career is a case study in taking on the big boys. We suspect her record of fighting the status quo was uppermost in John McCain's decision.

Barack Obama aside, Senator McCain's biggest problem is a Republican brand that has suffered -- both among independents and the GOP base -- from the party's business-as-usual mentality in Washington. The public wants change. This pick could prove Mr. McCain is serious about changing his party.

Sarah Palin's reform resume would be remarkable in any political career. She entered politics at 28, winning a seat on the Wasilla city council as an opponent of tax increases. After she defeated Wasilla's three-term incumbent mayor four years later, she swept the mayor's cronies out of the bureaucracy.

In 2003, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski appointed her to the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Bear in mind that Mr. Murkowski had already served as junior U.S. Senator from Alaska for 22 years. Mr. Murkowski was junior senator for so long because Senator Ted Stevens (who was recently indicted for corruption) had lifetime tenure in the senior post.

Shortly after joining the oil and gas commission, Mrs. Palin commenced an ethics probe of the state's Republican party chairman, Randy Ruedrich, involving conflicts of interest with oil companies. The probe resulted in a $12,000 fine for the party chair.

She crossed party lines in 2004 to join a Democratic representative's ethics complaint over an international trade deal against the Republican Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who had ties to the Murkowski machine. Mr. Renkes resigned.

In late 2005, Mrs. Palin announced her run for Governor before then-Governor Murkowski had announced his intention to stand for re-election. In a three-way primary, Mrs. Palin got 51% to Mr. Murkowski's 19%. At the center of this campaign was a debate over competing proposals to build a natural gas pipeline across Alaska.

These columns wrote about Gov. Murkowski's smashing defeat by Mrs. Palin, noting that his pipeline proposal had been tainted by reports of sweetheart deals with energy companies. The editorial ended: "If Republicans are run out of Congress in November, one big reason will be that, like Mr. Murkowski, they have become far more comfortable running the government than reforming it." That is what happened, as disgusted GOP voters turned away from their own party and ceded control of Congress to the Democrats.

Against the odds, Mrs. Palin won that 2006 election against the state's former Democratic governor Tony Knowles. Most recently, she promoted the effort of her GOP lieutenant governor to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young, who with Senator Stevens created the earmark that sank the GOP, the notorious "bridge to nowhere."


For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's. Mr. Obama rose through the Chicago Democratic machine without a peep of push-back. Alaska's politics are deeply inbred and backed by energy-industry money. Mr. Obama slid past the kind of forces that Mrs. Palin took head on. This is one reason her selection -- despite its campaign risks -- seems to have been so well received by Republicans yesterday. They are looking for a new generation of leaders.

Don't expect this remarkable personal Palin narrative to get an Obama-like break from the national media. Their main focus will be her lack of experience, claiming it undercuts Mr. McCain's criticism of Barack Obama. One mispronounced foreign leader's name, and she's going to be hammered.

If she can survive this gantlet, Governor Palin could help Mr. McCain with some liabilities of his own. The alternative would have been a ticket of two familiar GOP names in a political cycle where the Democrats have seemed to be the party of energy and freshness. A self-described "hockey mom" with a commercial-fisherman husband, Governor Palin will have more credibility with families than a Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee. With energy supplies and prices one of the top issues, Alaska's Governor also should bring some first-hand realism to the debate over drilling and the environment.

* * *
Senator Obama's acceptance speech made it clear that his campaign strategy is pegged to linking Mr. McCain to the Beltway Republicans and the struggling economy. It's a powerful argument, and John McCain needs an answer to Mr. Obama's list of Democratic bromides. The vulnerability in the Obama plan is there's little in it that is new. He'd mostly replace one status quo with an earlier status quo of government spending schemes. Joe Biden is no help on that.

Mr. McCain's instinct clearly is to offer himself to voters as a reformer. With Sarah Palin, a genuine reformer, Mr. McCain may have found the right idea and the right person to make his run.
Styx 回複 悄悄話 回複bluecurrent的評論:

haha. 5. one just came this year, not in the picture :)
Styx 回複 悄悄話 I was expecting Romney earlier.

After listening to/ watching her interviews/speeches, I'm definitely impressed. Now the question is, is two monthes enough for American people to get to know her well enough and accept her as an electable VP and potential chief-in-commander? Obama did it from a nobody to a national popstar in a year, she is more charming, very intelligent, strongly conservative, and definitely healthy and positive, I don't see why she can't!

Now she is talking about oil drilling process and technology like a real expert on TV, the CNBC woman report looks really slow and dull compared to her. Oh I really like her now.

And when she talks about her husband and his job, you can't ignore the big smile from heart.
likewater11 回複 悄悄話 republican's think tank is superior to democrat's. i have seen the result of november, john mccain and sarah palin are the president and vice president of the united states of america. Show time!
bluecurrent 回複 悄悄話 美國的大選牽動著全球的利益。麥凱恩選擇了一個具有美麗的容貌,健康的體魄,善良幸福的母親,堅定的基督徒,有傳統價值觀和正義感的州父母官 作為自己的副總統候選人,我想美國 這才看看了希望,看到了變的希望。



哈哈, 葩玲是四個孩子的媽媽, 不是五個.
mister986 回複 悄悄話 太草率的決定。要知道,萬一老麥死在總統任期內,她就要成為總統啊!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wumiao的評論:

Most Hillary's supporters believe DNC forced her out, very angry.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複Lyra的評論:

well said indeed.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複一鳴嚇人的評論:


noso 回複 悄悄話 回複金筆的評論:

金筆 回複 悄悄話 好戲一台!俺比較看好老馬。。。
wumiao 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬激怒了支持希拉莉的選民,特別是婦女選民。
Lyra 回複 悄悄話 所以啊,這就是多黨製的好處。如果隻看一方的表演,任何一方都可以讓人群情激昂拍案叫絕,誤以為總統非他莫屬。當雙方的表演同樣精彩時,這就讓要人好好靜下心來,多比較多思考,看看究竟誰最合適了。
一鳴嚇人 回複 悄悄話 真是快手寫好文,嚴重表揚。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複zxl00001的評論:

You will see, McCain is not Bush, no matter what Obama said.

This John McCain will have new stuff for Obama.
zxl00001 回複 悄悄話 You got things reversed. Obama will not attack her of lack of experience, why should he? Obama will attack McCain with a variety issues, Iraq war, economy, etc. The thing is how McCain will attack Obama now. The only thing he got is: Obama is not ready. Now he picked a VP even less ready.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複hairycat的評論:

Now let the show begin~~~

Finally John McCain forced Obama into corner and gave Hillary's supporters a chance to make the history: A female VP (President if anything happens to John McCain.)
