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來源: 2024-04-12 18:53:45 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:



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”I’m a math major at Stanford
I’ll be the first to tell you I’ll never solve a partial differential equation for work
But why is that the standard we judge the value of learning by?
This whole idea of “it’s not applicable in the real world” is silly
College isn’t a vocational training program
It’s meant to provoke your curiosity. To expand your horizons
If you want “real world” learning, go to a bootcamp/trade school etc. There’s nothing wrong with that. But trying to turn college into trade school is stupid
Besides, all the “useless” stuff you learn in school teaches you how to think. How to analyze problems. How to weigh different perspectives. It’s not a surprise the smartest people I’ve met in business also happen to have a lot of “useless” knowledge
It’s because curiosity shouldn’t be constrained by capitalist pursuit. Paradoxically, if you let capitalism restrain what you learn, you end up losing. You end up being a very non interesting person with little ability to think laterally. Soon, an AI agent will be able to outperform you
Go read about philosophy, math, history, whatever intrigues you. Who cares if it makes you money. It’ll make you human“
