核心課程基本上是計算機相關, 如下

來源: 2024-02-01 17:28:33 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
Computer Science and Data Science  
CSI 1401 Introduction to Programming I 4
CSI 1402 Introduction to Programming II 4
CSI 2300 Introduction to Data Science 3
DSC 2334 Computing and Computer Fundamentals 3
DSC 2350 Discrete Structures for Data Science 3
DSC 3310 Cloud Computing 3
DSC 3334 Algorithms and Data Structures 3
DSC 3335 Database Design and Applications for Data Science 3
DSC 3344 Analytics for Machine Learning 3
DSC 4310 Machine Learning 3
DSC 4320 Data Visualization 3