
來源: 2023-09-18 19:29:54 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

大概的翻譯: 他是“退休的人文學科教授,在一所大型公立大學任教。 我希望向那些認為小班授課很重要的人表達我的聲音。 我曾為 300 多名大課新生講過課,並為 10-12 小班新生上過課。 兩者都可行。

但是我認為,本科生擁有大量由全職教師而不是研究生助教或兼職教授的小額招生課程是非常重要的。 有兩個原因。

1) 經驗豐富、深入參與學術研究的教師能夠在小班教學中,最好地、最經常地傳達學習的興奮感。 2)其次,尤其是在小班教學中,學生之間更容易互相學習。



“Retired humanities professor who taught at a large public university here. I wish to add my voice to those who write that small class size matters. I have lectured to 300 plus and taught seminars of 10 to 12 freshmen. Both can work. But I believe that it is very important that undergraduates have a good number of small enrollment classes taught by full-time faculty, not graduate student teaching assistants or adjuncts. For two reasons. Experienced faculty deeply involved in scholarship can and will communicate the thrill of learning best and most often in small classes. Second, students learn from each other especially in small classes. I deeply regret that because large public universities are inadequately funded, especially in red states, universities increasingly rely on graduate students and adjuncts to teach undergraduates.”