Affirmative action is over, but college is questionable

來源: 2023-06-29 14:34:53 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

My husband said he didn't want to invest on kids' college education at all.

Bad investment, he said, it doesn't guarantee higher income anymore.

Trade school is the new trend, and pension fund investment.

His portforlio includes college funds, I know it. Now he has totally lost confidence

on getting returns, because there's AI now. Maybe most of the jobs that seem profitable now

will be gone, for example, computer programming, engineering, medical, law, they all

can be replaced by AI in the future. And my children are still very young. 

Who knows whether it's still worthwhile to go to college in like 14 years?  Be a plumber, electrician or carpenter,  those are guaranteed middle income jobs in the market. You always need to find someone to fix toilet bowls and there are always houses need to be built by carpenters, electricians and welders too.

I think my 11 year old daughter should consider going to college, but my currently 8 and 5 year old boys, maybe they could be spared from it. They can get a trade, they're boys after all. Boys are labor intense to parents and they should work more labor intense jobs.