Personal Habits For Success
These habits have helped me place in the honor roll, stay productive and complete work efficiently. The five habits are planning, staying on point, critical thinking, keeping a healthy mindset and developing a style. Although it may be hard, I can guarantee that these habits are the foundation for success.
Habit One, Planning
The first thing you must do is set a schedule for yourself. Digging into a problem without a plan is not something I would recommend. Make sure you have at least a vague plan of what you will do throughout the day. Personally, I find it easiest to mark out different times to study and different times to take breaks in the day. Maybe I’ll set out a plan on the weekends stating that I will work on my math homework at 9:00 am. Then I’ll take a thirty minute break and keep working. The biggest thing to avoid is pushing off your planning. This often happens to me. I’ll tell myself that I will study at 10:00 am but when the time comes, I can’t bring myself to do the work. I keep pushing back my work until it’s too late. The best way to avoid this is to treat yourself after hard work. Say I really want ice cream but I haven’t done my religion homework yet. Then I can think of it as a reward for finishing my homework. This is a way of motivating yourself into working hard.
Habit Two, Staying On Point
The second thing that I find important is staying on point. It is so difficult to get things done when you keep being distracted. Maybe you struggle with paying attention and every time you attend a lecture, you can’t help but find yourself staring out the window. When you get distracted easily, it is frustrating because it’s hard to retain information. The thing I do when I get distracted is stare at the person talking. It’s a lot easier to get distracted if you’re looking around the room or at your desk. Learning becomes so much easier when you watch your teacher, because things become more entertaining. Reading into your teacher’s way of speaking can help you feel more interested in the lecture. If you ever feel distracted you could also give yourself a short break, like taking a walk! Make sure that you don’t cut yourself too much slack though, because becoming lazy is the bane of success!
Habit Three, Critical Thinking
I find critical thinking important because it helps you get to the answer quickly. Being able to think effectively means using your observation skills to quickly make sense of the situation. This ties hand in hand with staying on point because by being critical with your thinking, it is much easier to pay attention. Often when I think with a more in depth mindset, I feel a lot more invested in the topic! It’s almost like being a detective whose job is finding the small details in things! Critical thinking is a skill you can develop by questioning things often. ‘What’s the answer to this?’, or ‘Why does this happen the way it does?’are all great things to think about! As long as you stay interested in what you’re learning, you’ll be able to develop a deeper understanding of what you’re learning.
Habit Four, Keeping a Healthy Mindset
I think that this is the greatest habit because keeping a healthy mindset is the base of the rest of the habits. If you don’t think positively and enjoy the work that you do, you’ll never be able to find value in your work. Keep evaluating yourself, if something doesn’t look right to you, then change it! What’s important is your view on things. If you don’t like what you do, you’ll never want to do it. Personally, by keeping a healthy mindset, I have actually been able to enjoy work! This is something I could never have imagined beforehand, but I have actually learned to enjoy having things to do. What matters most is your opinion of the work that you do because things that look beautiful in your eyes, are often the most stunning in others! Never give up on yourself, even when you don’t believe it is possible to enjoy what you do. We all have talents, you just might not have found yours yet, and that’s completely fine! Everything comes with time!
Habit Five, Developing a Style
Developing a style is something that will help you enjoy your work more. As long as you work off of what you like, it should be pretty easy to develop your personal style! By developing a style, it will be so helpful in the future. You’ll find it easier to figure out what you want to do with your life. You’ll enjoy the life around you more. Best of all, you will understand yourself even deeper. By developing your own style, you and others will be able to envision what your interests are! Remember, creativity is key! Be yourself, don’t conform to what other people tell you to be, if you do, your style won’t be yours. It will be someone else’s. Imagine this, your best friend, Betty Sue, is interested in becoming a nurse. Betty Sue always talks about how she wants to become a nurse in front of you, and often shares that it would be great if you became a nurse too. Betty Sue will not stop stressing how much she would love going to nursing school with you. You are currently interested in the performing arts, but decide that your love for the performing arts isn’t nearly as important as Betty Sue’s need for you to be a nurse with her. You join Betty Sue and become a nurse, even though this wasn’t the future you had envisioned for yourself. You never wanted to be a nurse, you were just changing yourself to fit the life that Betty Sue had planned out for you! You shouldn’t let other people choose your life! Do what you want to do! Keep yourself happy!
Although it may seem strange at first, I would like it if you understood what I was aiming towards with each of these habits. As long as you realize that you are wonderful and worth cherishing, I think all of these habits will fall into place eventually! These habits are the best advice I could give anyone on success!