SJSU 畢業的 ex Intel CEO Brian Krzanich 把 Intel 害慘了

來源: 2021-10-21 19:51:45 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Lynbrook High School 和 SJSU 畢業的 ex Intel CEO Brian Krzanich 把 Intel 害慘了。
One word to describe him as an CEO:  incompetent.
他的小孩可能念斯坦福哦。記得多年前他剛走馬上任剛做Intel CEO 時到 Lynbrook高中演講, 他的孩子陪著去,穿著S的運動衣. I was not impressed by his speech that night except for his emphasis on finding a good mentor or a good political/power sponsor in the organization early one's career.

他倆都是 Operations/Manufacutring 出身的。