Your sense of loss and disappointment is understandable

來源: 2019-11-11 18:48:57 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


His emotional attachment is more to material things, less to you.

He may be a person who has little need for emotional connections.  Emotion is a double-edged sword; more of it is not necessarily a good thing.  He is doing well for himself now, so see your loss as a price paid if that makes you feel better.

If his bad attitude is only toward you, that's a character issue.

Hope that when he has child of his own, he will change.

You've given him all your love the way you knew how (even though you'd change a few things,) you've done your job.  It's time to shift your focus to your own life and make it better.  That means to be responsible for your own happiness and stop placing that burden on him.  He is clear to you that he does not want that burden.  Freedom needs your willingness to carry that burden, otherwise, you are enslaving yourself to an ideal that cannot be attained in reality.