
來源: 2013-02-28 11:32:49 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:


Ordinary faces, shy and

Sweet faces, sad &

Preoccupied faces

Blank and frank faces

. . . .

Time and time again

We all agree that laughter

Is all we need after a long

Day of artless laboring

And exhausting repetition

My job is to open

Doors behind closed

Faces and purposeless

Eyes . . . . To uncover

The smallest joy

That means the most

When Yesenia laughs

The room is lit up

All faces become softer

And laugh with her

There’s nothing

Hidden behind her

Telling eyes

Maggie is a smart woman

Who doesn't laugh easily

But when she laughs

She laughs her heart out

Deep and guttural

Flamingo on fire

Rosa's face is tanned

The kindest face that makes

You see a field of blooming

Sunflowers ---truthful and proud

To be simple

To be ordinary

Carmen is the beauty

Of the group, a movie

Star who refuses to perform

A young mother whose

Life has not begun yet

Victos said that when Carmen

Cries, she is equally attractive

A big man with a soft voice

Belesario laughs

Silently like a philosopher

He never forgets to thank

Me for making them laugh

Humble and earthy

Faces I love. We laugh

When we cannot “translate”

The simplest thing

Into words or sentences

Laughter is our language

If nobody wants to leave

We laugh some more

Turning the night

Upside down

The day inside out

Their laughter

My best reward

We bid each other

Good-night with laughter

We hug each other

In laughter

As if celebrating another

Ordinary day worth

Of our love, worth

Of being where our

Hearts want to be













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