Runner’s lean
醫學上目前對這個現象還沒有明確診斷。出現這種情況的人其實平時訓練很正常,就是到了一定裏程以後會出現。有專家說是因為臀肌弱導致腰方肌 QL muscle過度緊縮,有的說是電解質不夠引起肌肉痙攣,有的說是跑姿習慣導致肌肉群分工不均衡。平時有針對的力量訓練有助於糾正這個現象。像我這種沒有堅實的基礎,就不敢去跑超馬。所以說,沒那個金剛鑽就……
Lateral trunk lean—when a runner leans to one side while running—is often observed during ultramarathons. It tends to manifest in the latter stages of a long race and, if you’re prone to side lean, it probably appears consistently on one side. Although it's tempting to impulsively attribute lateral trunk lean to a weakness in core stability—which we would correct with core exercises—the actual cause is more complex. It’s possible that a side lean would be initiated to offload an injured knee (1). However, assuming you’re not injured, the lean is more likely due to the muscles of the pelvis or legs being weaker on one side of the body, a strength imbalance that predisposes to fatigue. Trunk lean is not just a problem but a symptom.