【說文解字】 八八一些好玩又有用的英語俚語詞

來源: 2011-08-07 18:31:33 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

[說文解字] 八八一些好玩又有用的英語習語詞  



經典案例 1: suck it up - 吃悶虧  

被老婆罰跪搓衣板,還當是練瑜珈, 有木有?



I usually drink the least amount when I go out with friends, but we end up splitting the bill? Shall I suck it up 


suck it up 就是吃悶虧的意思. To endure a period of mental, physical, or emotional hardship with no complaining. 


suck up to somebody: 拍馬屁,to flatter for one's own profit; toady  


經典案例 2: cop a feel- 吃豆腐

Susan was looking so great in that killer mini-dress that I got behind her and copped a feel. She immediately turned around and slapped me.  

這不是吃豆腐,那啥是吃豆腐捏?拾到這個詞時,姐真是熱淚盈眶了一把,苦苦尋覓了多年,終於找到了“吃豆腐” 的英文版~~  


cop a feel: To feel on a woman’s breasts or buttocks, usually when she is not expecting it, often followed up by a slap in the face. 


經典案例 3 ride one’s coattails - 沾名人的光  

和你一起從小穿開檔褲,和尿泥長大的發小王瓜瓜如今成了上廁所也得帶蛤蟆鏡的大明星,你寫了一本傳記-王瓜瓜和俺的那些事兒。。。。也上了八卦暢銷書榜首. You rise to fame by riding on 王瓜瓜’s coattails. 騎在人家名人的衣服後襟上,是挺拉風的說 


ride one’s coattails: to use your connection with someone successful to achieve success yourself 


對了。發小這裏怎麽說:boyhood friend if you’re male; girlhood friend if you’re female. 


經典案例 4: henpecked hu*****and -氣管炎 

一樓的被老婆罰跪搓衣板,還當是練瑜珈是什麽樣的老公呀: a henpecked hu*****and. 被母雞一直啄一直啄,ouch~,挺形象的


henpecked hu*****and相對的是

 fishwife: A person, traditionally a woman, who persistently nags or criticizes. 這個詞沒有henpecked形象 


Check out these henpecked hu*****and quips, 古今中外都一樣呀 

  • He wears the pants in the house – under his apron. 
  • He has two chances of winning an argument with her, slim and none. 
  • He always has the last word – he says, “I apologize”. 
  • He even has to ask permission to ask permission.  


How about your hubby’s situation? Well, let me put it this way. He is the one who wears the pants in the house while I am the one who wears the apron. But he always stores up some leftovers in the fridge in case “the head of the family” may starve to death when the "cook” gets ticked off accidentally. 


經典案例 5: like water off a duck's back.- 死豬不怕開水燙,置若罔聞  

He'll be all right soon because any criticism is usually like water off a duck's back to him. 


like water off a ducks back: If criticism or something similar is like water off a duck's back to somebody, they aren't affected by it in the slightest. 


好吧,您罵吧,隨便罵吧,愛誰誰的~ 想起了一個人,天後王菲就是這個樣子滴
Faced with all the speculations and flaks, diva Wang Fei let things roll off her like water off a duck's back. 



好了,為了給大家加深點映像,俺胡編了一小段文,把這些詞都嵌了進去。可能會有些牽強,大家看著玩吧 :)


I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today. In the morning, at our group meeting, my boss blatantly took the credit for the project I had been slaving on for a month. Given the annual appraisal was around the corner, I had no choice but to suck it up.


At lunch break, a fat assed woman cut the line in front of me. Before I could utter an excuse me, she jumped around and accused me of groping her ass. Give papa a break. Hanging around with that big-as-the-universe butt, she would feel everyone copping a feel of her all the time. But a little intimidated by that bigger-than-my-head fist swinging under my tiny nose, I had no choice but to cough up a faint sorry.  


In the evening, at home, my wife became super mad because I totally forgot our doggie’s birthday. I had no choice but to kneel down on the washing board to reflect on my terrible wrongdoing as usual(a popular Chinese custom to punish a hu*****and). What a day! 


At night, I tossed and turned in the bed, fantasying how everyone would fawn upon me and scramble to ride on my coattails if I could hit the jackpot or rise to fame someday. 


Ok, you can call me a spineless subordinate, a wuss or a henpecked hu*****and. I don’t give it a damn. Before my big day comes, I have no choice but to let things roll off me like water off a duck’s back.

get up on the wrong side of the bed:to begin the day feeling unhappy and uncomfortable.  
e.g.I got up on the wrong side of bed yesterday, and everything that could go wrong did!

around the corner:就要發生
cough up:認罪, 勉強說出(某事)
fawn upon:巴結,奉承,討好
don’t give it a damn:不在乎
lilac09 08/07/11


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