
來源: 2009-04-13 11:43:58 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

1. 為什麽要擔心太陽光(sunlight)?

陽光能幫助人體自身合成vitamin D,從而增加鈣的吸收、平衡其它微量元素等功能,因而對人類是有益的。但過多的陽光,對皮膚卻有損害。可導致幹燥、皺紋、褐斑和皮膚癌。

2. 光譜和紫外線的分類:

太陽光包括:可見光線(visible light) 和波長較短的不可見紫外線(shorter waves of invisible ultraviolet (UV) radiation).

紫外線分為三個區域:長波紫外線UVA,中波紫外線UVB 和短波紫外線UVC。




UV radiation is divided into 3 categories: UVA, UVB and UVC rays.

  • UVA (320-400 nm): Can penetrate skin deeply, causing premature skin aging and potentially skin cancer.
  • UVB (290-320 nm): Primarily responsible for sunburn; also contributes to premature skin aging and potentially to skin cancer.
  • UVC (200-290 nm): Absorbed by gases in the earth's atmosphere.

3. 如何保護你的皮膚免受太陽損害?


8226; 請穿質地密實的衣服,如長袖襯衫和褲子。如果你將布料對著光線時能見到光,太陽就能進入。透入一件濕T 恤衫的陽光幾乎和照在裸露的皮膚的陽光一樣多。
8226; 戴一頂質地密實的有邊帽子和一副太陽鏡。
8226; 避免在陽光最強的早上10 點至下午4 點之間曬太陽。

其次才是防曬霜:選擇防曬係數為15 或更高(sun protection factor (SPF) at least 15 or higher)

Many voices in cancer-prevention communities advocate the use of skin-shielding clothing (wide-brimmed, neck-covering headwear; full-length pants; loose-fitting, long-sleeve shirts) as an outdoor person's primary protection. Sunscreen, while important, should be a second line of defense.

4. 如何選擇防曬霜?

8226; 請選防曬係數為15 或更高、同時也能阻隔紫外線整個光譜的的防曬霜。防曬係數等級告知你此防曬霜能如何有效遮蔽會灼傷並損害皮膚的紫外線。
8226; 避免集防紫外線和防蟲於一體的產品。這種防曬霜可能不很有效。
8226; 如果你常發痤瘡(acne),不含油脂的產品對你是最好的。
8226; 如果防曬霜引起刺痛、瘙癢或皮疹,請試不含芳香劑的配方型。
8226; 對於帶紫外線防護的化妝品、潤膚液或化妝粉底,需要在臉上塗一整茶匙的量才能提供良好防護。
8226; 不要將不滿6 個月的嬰兒置於太陽下。請給六個月以上的嬰兒用防曬霜但請限製日曬時間。


8226; 在外出前至少20 分鍾時塗上防曬霜。
8226; 使用足量防曬霜將身體遮蓋好。不要忘記將防曬霜塗到鼻、頸、腳背、耳廓和唇上。
8226; 在戶外時,每2 個小時要再塗一次防曬霜,即使標簽說防曬霜防水、防汗或提供全天防護亦須如此。有風時、下水之後或出汗之後請塗更多防曬霜。
8226; 不要使用過期的防曬霜。一般的有效期是三年。


阿伏苯宗Avobenzone (sometimes marketed as Parsol 1789)
依茨舒Ecamsule (also known as Mexoryl or Mexoryl SX)
氧化鋅Zinc oxide
二氧化鈦Titanium dioxide
你可能還會看到這些成份:羥苯甲酮 oxybenzone,磺異苯酮sulisobenzone等。

The Food and Drug Administration regulates the active ingredients used in sunscreens sold in the United States. It has so far found 17 to be "Generally Recognized As Safe and Effective" (GRASE). The agency currently offers only minimal guidelines for testing or labeling sunscreens for UVA protection, but it is in the process of establishing detailed guidelines.

Until such rules are established, the FDA identifies the following GRASE ingredients as offering the most protection against UVA light:

Avobenzone (sometimes marketed as Parsol 1789) Ecamsule (also known as Mexoryl or Mexoryl SX) Zinc oxide Titanium dioxide

All except avobenzone are considered to offer significant UVB protection. Several other ingredients offering UVA protection, including some already used in other countries (with dizzying names such as diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate), are under review by the FDA for use in the U.S.


8226; 每月檢查一次皮膚看有無皮膚變化。若有新的或不正常的腫塊、斑點、水泡或發現痣有變化,請告知你的醫生。
8226; 在40 歲之前每3 年讓醫生檢查一次你的皮膚,在40 歲之後,每1 年一次。有皮膚癌高風險者可能需要更經常去看醫生。





Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

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Music: The girl with the sun in her hair-John Barry(著名的英國電影音樂作曲家)
來源: 法國薰衣草
09-04-12 14:41:26
