關於商用地產(commercial real estate)定義的探討

來源: 2013-06-07 12:09:23 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
美國的地產基本上分為商用地產(commercial real estate)和住棧地產( residntial real estate.)。那沒究竟何為商用地產, 一直是有爭議的,這裏和坦友們探討一下。

嚴格的和傳統的來說,商用地產不是用來住人的,那麽反過來說,就是用來住人的就不是商業地產,這樣的話,apartment complex and multifamily housing是住讚地產而不是商用地產,本人也讚同這種嚴格的定義。


Wikipedia.org puts multifamily housing buildings into the category of commercial real estate.

About.com said apartment complex is not commercial real estate.

BusinessDictionary.com said multifamily housing is not commercial reat estate.

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