It was in March...... 2 days ago I pulled 100% of my 401K out

來源: 2012-10-23 08:03:16 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

"在選舉年,對選舉結果的預測是預測股市的一重要因素。 有沒有“無形手”?

08再當選的可能大於落選的可能。故選前一段時間股市是一定不能 ?? ——走高地,哈,哈。


It was in March....  2 days ago  I pulled 100% of my 401K out mutual funds and put it all in cash.   My 401k has been under "Professional Managment" for years

Let's see if I get it right.