1/4 inch subfloor luan

來源: 2012-09-02 07:41:17 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

How to Prepare a Floor Surface With Luan for Vinyl Floor Covering

How to Prepare a Floor Surface With Luan for Vinyl Floor Covering thumbnail
Luan boards create a smooth surface for the placement of vinyl floor covering.

Luan, also known as Philippine mahogany, is a soft wood usually found in 1/4-inch thick sheets. Used as an underlayment for vinyl atop hardwood or tiled floors, luan provides a smooth, level surface that prevents imperfections in the subfloor from telegraphing through thin vinyl, marring the look of the vinyl after installation. There are better substances for use as an underlayment for your vinyl floor covering, but luan is inexpensive and quick to install. Does this Spark an idea?

Read more: How to Prepare a Floor Surface With Luan for Vinyl Floor Covering | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6684921_prepare-luan-vinyl-floor-covering.html#ixzz25K7TfQE8