今天給了一個Short Sale的offer, Mortgage Contingency Date 應該填什麽?請過來人幫忙回一

來源: 2012-08-21 18:52:41 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

今天我給了一個Short Sale的offer, Mortgage Contingency Date 應該填什麽?請過來人幫忙回一下。

帶我看房的經紀人是listing agent, she told me "Mortgage Contingency Date" has to be the date 30 days from today", which means i will have to get my loan ready in 30 days from now.  She forced me to fill "Sep 21" on the contract,since today is Aug 21. 問題是銀行本身就需要30-45天來approve 這個ShortSale的價錢, 我認為至少應該等到銀行批了我的offer, 我再開始申請貸款, 申請貸款的過程又需要4個星期,so my understanding on "Mortgage Contingency Date" should be at least 60 days from today, 這樣才是合理的。但是據listing agent的要求, 我就必須現在開始申請貸款, 即便我根本不知道銀行審批的結果會是怎樣。 如果銀行不接受我的offer, 我豈不是白浪費了半天感情和金錢,因為要申請貸款,我就要付銀子Appraisal report and Credit report 都是要花錢的。但是如果我現在不申請貸款, 我就肯定要miss the deadline, since i was given only 30 days to do it.

By the way,  i already got Pre-approval letter before i viewed the property, because the listing agent required me to have that in order for her to take me to the property.


