回複:Nice comments!

Don't wait till you can't move to start retirement. For most of people, it is to identify what retirement life you want to have and how much $$ needed to fund it. There are various of investment products (rental and stocks/funds are not the only investments) can help you achieve the goals.That is my suggestion that making $$ is not the goal; if you know your goals, you'll find out products for your ivestments which considering tax/risk/return rate.

I like to share a story from a friend who is also a landlord - One day he hired a contractor to repair the roof of his Bai Cai; when seeing the contractor (he is white american in his 60s)working hard on the roof my friend felt "good" : I have been working hard serving peopel in past years now finally I have someone serving me. So they chat "When are you going to retire?", my friend asked; "Never", the contractor answered. "Why? you need to enjoy your life someday". "Yes, I have been travelling around the world when I was younger. I tried to save the best time for myself. Now I am older, so I am working ......". For some reason my friend's good feeling disappeared. "So I have been serving other people with the best time in my life and what do I leave for myself?".

Just a story. No bricks; no "dui hao ru zuo" :>).

For those of you playing FB - High volume of shares can be out to market tomorrow. 
