LandLord, as a way of life...

來源: 2012-02-22 09:56:46 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

every time I am on this topic, it is depressing.  Why? because in most people's eye, landlords are heartless slums...

in some way, I agreed, but I must also say, landlording is not charity work, we are not doing God's work, we are just only human, we need to survive this world too.

for example, today's schedule...

6:15, get up to smell the coffee.

7:15, Daughter missed the school bus.

8:15, had to be in court, I have 17 cases today, I occupy the court room from about 8:45 to 10:30, just for me.

11:00 nothing to do, browsing WXC.

1:00 meet wife for lunch?

2:00 need to see a SFH, which tenant just moved, my guys been there since 9:30.

4:00 need to pick up daughter?


17 cases today, all related to collections.  Judge issued 5 bench warrants for contempt, 5 agreed on payment plans, 9 postpones for varies reasons.

this is the 3rd time in court this month, next hearing is on Friday the 24th, then 28th.  so far I have 2 court days set for March, and 2 for April.

currently Under Eviction 0
waiting on judgment on back rent/damage 0
pursuing collection 11
paying or under garnishment 20
civil warrant ( dead beats ) 16

Case pending due to no-serviceable address 3
Case pending due to defendant in jail 3
Case dismissed due to death 2
Case dismissed due to bankruptcy 4
Case paid or settled 41