Landlords, please help!!

來源: 2012-01-28 08:29:42 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

I just got a email from my tenant, it says:
 " the front storm door blew off, tearing the hinges apart with pieces all over the front porch.  My wife had got up at 3a and let the dog out and it was fine.  Then we got up at 4:30a, like we always do, and it was completely blown off, hanging by the opener only.  It was almost as if someone tried to break in, but it wasn't locked and the door was.  We were a little baffled!  Anyway, it needs to be replaced and that is something I don't have time to do....."
我覺得一定是他老婆忘了關storm door,剛好這幾天風又巨大,所以把storm door 給刮下來了。如果是小偷來撬門,怎麽可能費了九牛二虎之力撬開storm door,卻不順便撬一下大門?請教各地主,我該怎麽做?該幫他修嗎?萬分感謝!!