goods qualify for the Section 179 Deduction

來源: 2012-01-06 22:04:25 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
Material goods that generally qualify for the Section 179 Deduction

Please keep in mind that to qualify for the Section 179 Deduction, the below equipment must be purchased and put into use between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011.

  • Equipment (machines, etc) purchased for business use
  • Tangible personal property used in business
  • Business Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 6,000 lbs (Section 179 Vehicle Deductions)
  • Computers
  • Computer Software ( "Off-the-Shelf" Software)
  • Office Furniture
  • Office Equipment
  • Property attached to your building that is not a structural component of the building (i.e.: a printing press, large manufacturing tools and equipment)
  • Partial Business Use (equipment that is purchased for business use and personal use - generally, your deduction will be based on the percentage of time you use the equipment for business purposes).