查了,原始英文詞80代就出現了,跟中國沒什麽關係,與你說的不符。但是中國想用一帶一路和孔子學院來軟實力他國, LOL。

回答: 說明你還需要多學習學習 :)nancyjin53912025-01-24 14:16:04

The term "soft power" was coined by American political scientist Joseph Nye in the late 1980s. He introduced it in his 1990 book "Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power" and expanded on it in later works, such as "Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics" (2004).

Soft power refers to a nation's ability to influence others through cultural appeal, values, and policies rather than coercion or force (often referred to as "hard power"). It emphasizes attraction and persuasion over compulsion.

While the concept has been widely discussed and adopted globally—including by China in its efforts to enhance its international influence through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and Confucius Institutes—the term itself originated in the United States.
