
回答: 人都造不出來,GDP超美就更難了。老朽2025-01-17 00:06:29


前天反華份子Marco Rubio,就有如此的危機感:


 “If we stay on the road we are on right now – in less than 10 years, virtually everything that matters to us in life will depend on whether China allows us to have it or not.”

“Everything from blood pressure medicine to what movies we get to watch, and everything in between. They dominate the critical mineral industry. Even those who want more EVs – those batteries depend on China.”

“If we don’t change course – we will live in a world where much of what matters on a daily basis, from our security to our health – will be dependent on whether the Chinese allow us to have it or not.”


危邦不入亂邦不居,君子不立於危牆之下。趕緊回去吧 -桃花源裏人家- 給 桃花源裏人家 發送悄悄話 桃花源裏人家 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2025 postreply 06:56:59

就是這麽分裂,打死不離開“危邦” -ylad12231313- 給 ylad12231313 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2025 postreply 08:15:10
