Real numbers

來源: 2023-04-08 08:42:11 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

here are the real numbers.

carryover loss from 2021 $10711-2022 gain $2808 = carryover to 2023 $7903

rental income $25200- all exp $22392 = net profit $2808. deductible rental real estate loss after limitation $1662 so $1146 went to 1040 line 8 where I need to pay tax on it. 

why you only allow me to deduct only $1662 but carryover loss minus $2808. I only used $1662 of my loss from 2021. I should still have $10711 - 1662 = $9049.你老說TurboTax 不會犯這種低級錯誤 但這些數字是事實.還有我覺得沒人回答到點上讓我有慌然大悟的感覺但還是謝謝大家的回答