Hunter Biden Was Paying Joe Biden Almost $50,000/Month Rent

Hunter Biden Was Paying Joe Biden Almost $50,000 Per Month In "Rent" to Live At His House

Hunter Biden wrote in an email that Joe Biden was taking half of his ill-gotten monies from foreign potentates.

But we never had a money trail showing money going into Joe Biden's accounts.

This seems to be how Hunter Biden moved the money he was collecting for Joe Biden, to Joe Biden, without disclosing it as a cut of the Burisma and China and Russia money -- he disguised it as exorbitant "rent" of $49,910 per month to live in... Wilmington, Delaware.

Seriously? $49,910 per month to live in Wilmington, Delaware? This isn't Miami or LA or Jackson Hole or a luxe zip code. In what word does Joe Biden's house rate nearly $50,000 per month in rent?

This sure looks a lot like money laundering.

Hunter Biden recorded monthly rent payments of $49,910 while living at President Joe Biden's residence, according to a document unearthed by New York Post's Miranda Devine.

On a document titled "background screening request," it appears Hunter paid $49,910 in monthly rent for one year while living at Joe Biden's Delaware residence, where the president kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage.

Joe Biden did not report this level of rent on his tax returns :

It should be noted Joe Biden's 2017 tax return on Schedule E only listed $19,800 in "rents received." In 2018, Biden listed no rents received.

Was Hunter just on crack? Or was he pulling another criminal scam?

His drivers license lists the home as his residence, so he was living there.

Or is Joe Biden guilty of tax evasion as well as money laundering?

Hunter Biden revealed in a 2019 text message to his daughter that the family has an arrangement where Joe Biden collects half his son's salary.

"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," Hunter described in texts to his daughter. "It's really hard. But don't worry, unlike Pop [Joe], I won't make you give me half your salary."

Wendell Husebo's article at Breitbart notes that the Biden family is the subject of a lot of wire transfers flagged by the Suspicious Action Report system. Whether that ties into these rent payments (was the rent paid via wire transfer?), I don't know.

According to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman, the Biden family's payment mechanism may reveal the core of an entrenched business enterprise, which could involve legal "predicates" for racketeering charges.

You probably know that five more classified documents were found in Biden's SCIF Trap House.

On Saturday, additional classified documents were found at Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home by White House Counsel Richard Sauber, who said he discovered them while conducting an additional search of Biden's personal residence. Biden's personal attorneys earlier this week found an initial classified document Biden kept from his time as Vice President.

Sauber said, "Because I have a security clearance, I went to Wilmington Thursday evening to facilitate providing the document the President's personal counsel found on Wednesday to the Justice Department. While I was transferring it to the DOJ officials who accompanied me, five additional pages with classification markings were discovered among the material with it, for a total of six pages. The DOJ officials with me immediately took possession of them."

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is demanding the visitor logs for Biden's SCIF Trap House.

Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter to White House chief of staff Ron Klain requesting the visitor logs for President Joe Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, residence where multiple classified documents were found.

"It is troubling that classified documents have been improperly stored at the home of President Biden for at least six years, raising questions about who may have reviewed or had access to classified information," Commer wrote in his letter to Klain on Sunday, noting that there is an ongoing investigation into Biden's mishandling of classified documents from his committee and the Department of Justice.

"Biden's mishandling of classified materials raises the issue of whether he has jeopardized our national security," Comer continued. "Without a list of individuals who have visited his residence, the American people will never know who had access to these highly sensitive documents."


Biden did not report this level of rent on his tax return -冬前- 給 冬前 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/16/2023 postreply 11:54:16

Wow, 那不是涉嫌逃稅嗎?哈哈哈 -DJGO_SF1996- 給 DJGO_SF1996 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/16/2023 postreply 14:39:00
