
來源: 2020-04-24 18:45:55 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

就是男主人發的信。兩個很好的租客,3年了,總是提前交租,啥事兒沒有。他非常負責任的把上上下下裏裏外外都看了一遍,找不到原因。因為他有allergy,所以filter換得很勤,而且都是買最高級別的filter. 下麵是他的messages (我問了他鄰居抽不抽煙,外麵的intake vent離自己的exhaust vent 和鄰居的exhaust vent多遠等問題):

1. For some reason we have been smelling Cigarette small in the unit?  It started about 2 days ago.  You really only can smell it at the Intake Vent at the top of the stairs. Can not seem to see where it is coming from? Both of us are non smokers and do not have company over. So we are a little concern?
2. The smell comes and goes.  Some times you can smell it as you walk by.  Others you have to put your face to the vent. Having a air cleaning running helps I noticed.
3. I am guessing that considering where it is?  that the Central Air Filters I buy ( I by the highest rating since I have allergies) is properly stopping the smell to go throu out the unit.  Keeping it local to the top of the stairs (2nd fl)
4. More Info.  I opened the attic and I did not smell anything there. ( I did not walk around up ther since I do not know what areas are sturdy enought for that) Just staing on the steps with a flash light for a while.
5. There are no outside vents.  Besides the the AC unit which is about ~ 6' apart. 
for the Upstairs Intake.  I do not know if it is fully sealed off between my unit to the neighbor on the right. I took off the vent screen and shined a flash light in it. So that is where my curiosity comes from. They are new to the area.  They moved in during the fall last year. And Elderly couple in their 70's