
來源: 2020-02-11 11:08:14 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

上次說的房子是法庭指派listing agent強製賣房的sale,agent電話通知offer deadline 是星期五,agent周一說周末有新的offer$85100

Listing agent 同時也是seller. 合同裏麵沒有Owner簽名的地方。接到我的offer之後發了這個。

Thank you I will run this by my attorney and sign on Monday


需要打官司嗎?complaint to realtor board?

今天告訴我說 Owner ( not seller) 在周末要求Deadline延期了三天。我根本不知道。


the Defendant asked that the property be marketed for 3additional  days after you offer was received.