血色童心Hong er dai childhood in USSR 主演陸毅 梅婷

來源: 2023-08-02 20:56:56 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Hong er dai - the second generation of CCP, happily lived childhood in USSR: The story of their experiencing the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union.

In the unfolding narrative of this captivating movie, we delve into the intriguing lives of the second generation of revolutionary leaders and generals. Despite the backdrop of the USSR during the years 1940–1945, these young individuals found themselves ensconced in a unique chapter of history. While their parents gallantly dedicated themselves to the tumultuous cause of the China Revolution, these budding leaders lived their formative years in a distinct milieu.

Separated from their parents either due to their sacrifice on the frontlines or geographical distance, these remarkable young minds forged their own paths within the embrace of the Soviet Union. Amidst the epochal shifts of the era, they were bestowed with a childhood that was distinctly international in perspective. The sweeping canvas of their experiences was painted with hues of diversity, as they interacted with a mosaic of cultures and backgrounds within the Soviet landscape.

A notable emblem of this international upbringing was the adoption of Russian names, emblematic of their assimilation into the societal fabric that nurtured them. These names echoed the harmonious symphony of their surroundings, mirroring the kaleidoscope of friendships and alliances that shaped their growth.

As we journey alongside these emerging leaders and generals, we witness their metamorphosis from tender-hearted youths to stalwarts of revolution. Their shared history, interwoven with global threads, showcases not only the trials of their individual lives but also the indomitable spirit that bound them together. This movie presents a poignant exploration of identity, sacrifice, and the unbreakable ties that bind individuals across borders and time.






【年代劇】血色童心 01集 第一代共產黨人在蘇聯經曆衛國戰爭發生的故事 ???? 《藍軍出擊》《中國醫生》主演梅婷《人世間》《獵梟》主演陸毅 戰爭曆史劇?血色爛漫

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