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Flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–1950)


The idea to expel the Germans from the annexed territories was proposed by Winston Churchill, in conjunction with the Polish and Czechoslovak exile governments in London at least since 1942.

Between 1944 and 1948, millions of people, including ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) and German citizens (Reichsdeutsche), were permanently or temporarily moved from Central and Eastern Europe. By 1950, a total of approximately 12 million[5] Germans had fled or been expelled from east-central Europe into Allied-occupied Germany and Austria. The West German government put the total at 14.6 million,[6] including a million ethnic Germans who had settled in territories conquered by Nazi Germany during World War II, ethnic German migrants to Germany after 1950, and the children born to expelled parents. The largest numbers came from former eastern territories of Germany ceded to the People's Republic of Poland and the Soviet Union (about seven million),[7][8] and from Czechoslovakia (about three million).



二戰後,華沙 被德軍占領。 1944年夏天,德軍潰敗,正當蘇軍要解放 華沙 的前夕,受 英國人支持的反抗組織在8月1日宣布整個 華沙 市民起義,其目的是要乘德軍虛弱,蘇軍尚未攻進 華沙 之前,自己解放自己,不受蘇聯的控製。德軍立刻鎮壓,為此西方隻得尋求蘇聯的支持,要求蘇聯紅軍立刻幫助解放 華沙 。

蘇聯當然不會接受西方這一如意算盤,因為蘇聯早有自己的波蘭解放軍的代理人。 蘇聯宣布受英國支持的反抗組織是為了"出風頭",是"非法組織",對正在遭受德軍殘酷鎮壓的波蘭起義見死不救。蘇聯在華沙城外,就是按兵不動。

2個月後,起義完全遭到鎮壓。 2萬起義人士傷亡,近20萬波蘭市民死於衝突。 因為巷戰造成大部分建造毀壞,德軍幹脆把整個華沙都摧毀了。70萬市民被迫驅離華沙 。

英國失信於波蘭人多次,1939年德軍吞並波蘭時, 英國並沒有按照事先的約定對德軍采取軍事行動。 1944年, 英國人指使波蘭代理人草率的華沙起義,不但沒有成功 ,反而讓華沙遭受到了毀滅性的打擊。 西方描述這一段的曆史,隻把責任推向了見死不救的蘇聯紅軍。華沙起義使得波蘭又一次成為東西方爭鬥的犧牲品,非常壯烈。
