iPhone rental and ATM machines in Shanghai

來源: 2011-05-24 13:53:34 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
I have invited a New York fashion designer to visit a Shanghai fashion company where my niece works at the beginning of June. The fashion designer’s father will go with her. Just got an email from them asking me (1) whether or not they can rent iPhones in Shanghai so that they can stay in touch with each other? (2) Are there ATM machines there so that they can get cash as needed?
I do not know how to answer their questions. I have forwarded their email to my niece. Before I get answer from her, may I also ask you? If you know how to answer these two questions for American visitors in Shanghai, could you please let me know? Thanks.