
來源: 2020-09-15 20:50:58 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

尊敬的老師、大家好!我叫劉一霖、今18歲。自幼喜歡音樂、6歲開始接觸鋼琴、10歲進入武漢音樂學院附中、得到正規專業的教育、期間曾多次參加過一些比賽、並獲得了獎勵。2014年第一次來到英國、參加了蘇格蘭皇家音樂學院的比賽並獲得了第二名的成績。2015年得到了李冰冰老師的指導,並參加了一係列賽事活動並獲得金牌。後進入曼徹斯特契塔漢姆學校學習、師從吉瑞米教授。期待通過這個麵試、來到期盼已久的RAM大學、進行更加嚴格的鋼琴專業學習、實現自己鋼琴演奏家的夢想。因為每當鋼琴聲響起的時候、我自己時常能夠看到一幅幅生活的畫麵,令自己向望。今年洽逢偉大的音樂大師貝多芬誕辰250年之際, 我希望自己以大師的一種與命運抗爭的精神、在學校努力學習古典音樂,來實現我自幼以來的音樂夢想。

Ma'ams and Sirs. Good morning/afternoon. 

My name is Yilin Liu, I am 18 years old, and I am from Henan, China.

I love music since very young, I started to touch piano when I was 6 years old, and entered the middle school affiliated to the Wuhan Conservatory of Music at the age of 10 to get the formal education, during the years there I participated in several compitation and was cranted hornos.

I came to the lovely Great Britian and took the contest at the Scottish Royal Conservatory of Music and was awarded the Runner Up in 2014. Under the guidance and teaching of Professor Bingbing Li, I took part in a series compitation and was granted the Gold Madel in 2015. Later I was admitted to the Cheetham School at Manchester, under the tutorship of Prof. Jeromy.

I hope to pass this interview to come to the Royal Acadamy of Music to study piano and fulfil my dream of being a pionist. I enjoy piano and whenever the piano sounds I can imagine the pictures in real life, and inspire me to perfect the melody. 

This year is the 250th aniversery of the great Master Beethoven, and I wish to take the highest possible study in piano performance and to accomplish my dream to the classic music in the courrage of Beethoven's spirit to fight with the fate.