【北京最古老的幾所醫院 - 比協和老的醫院】

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  • 1878—1881年,美國基督教會公理會傳教士江戴德在通州城內北後街開設診療所。
  • 1882年,美國醫師盈亨利以診所為基礎成立醫院,命名為婦嬰醫院
  • 1903年,美國傳教士都春甫重建醫院,並將醫院更名為潞河醫院
  • 1941年12月25日,醫院更名為通縣縣立醫院
  • 1945年1月11日,醫院更名為燕京道道立醫院
  • 1951年4月16日,醫院更名為潞河醫院人民醫院
  • 1958年,通縣改為通州區,醫院隨之更名為北京市通州區醫院
  • 1960年2月,通州區改為通縣,醫院隨之更名為通縣醫院






File:Douw & Bakewell Pavilions Peking.jpg 1886






道濟醫院(英語:Douw Hospital for Women and Children)是1885年成立的一家西醫醫院,也是北京市區最早的西醫醫院,以婦產科見長。該院在推廣新法接生預防接種和培養中國醫務人員等方麵,做出了重大貢獻。該院於1952年被北京市政府接管,改稱「北京市第六醫院」。




美國長老教會傳教士道濟英語Deborah Matilda Douw來華,看到當時中國的接生方法落後,許多嬰兒出生幾天就死去。她因此大哭一場,返回美國,以8年時間在各教會募集資金,婦產醫院於1880年秋季開始興建,1885年在臨時建築開始看病,1886年3月開始使用完工的永久性建築,建築費用$11,500美金,藥物與器材$2,000美金,每年營運成本$3,000美金。當時名為“婦嬰專科醫院”,院址在北京安定門交道口北二條,建了平房12間,醫院隻設婦產科和兒科,主要是推廣新法接生。該院1904年創辦護士訓練班,1908成立“道濟高級護士學校”,這是北京最早的護士學校,從1908年—1948年共畢業護士、助產士161人。[3][1][4]該院首任院長是女醫學博士Marion E. Sinclair,護理和培養護士的工作由Jennie McKillican小姐負責。[1][5]1895年秋,女醫學博士Eliza Ellen Leonard接任院長。[1][6][7]義和團運動期間醫院被迫關閉,1902年秋重新開門,就醫人數逐漸恢複。[8]以1907年為例,該院藥房處方6,704次,住院62人,出診124次。[9]






“義和團事件"結束後,1917年,為了紀念道濟在中國的貢獻,醫院利用庚子賠款在原址再建一棟三層樓,與長老會建立的另一所男子醫院合並,醫院用她的名字命名“道濟醫院”。”新中國"建立後,1952年,道濟醫院被北京市政府更名為北京市第六醫院。 今天,中國的婦女生孩子再也不用擔心“過鬼門關”,也不用擔心孩子得“破傷風”夭折。預產期一到,在丈夫的陪同下開開心心走進婦產科醫院,等待著孩子降生。。。然而,有多少婦女知道美國這位女宣教士的名字呢?

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Deborah Matilda Douw (1835-1911) funded and took part in missionary work in China. In 1900 she was caught up in the Boxer Rebellion.

Douw’s father was Volckert Pieter Douw, a land owner inAlbany, New York, whose family had arrived from Holland and settled in 1638. Douw’s mother was Helen Louise Franchot, daughter of Judge Stanislas Pascal Franchot, who was born in France and settled inOswego County, New York.[1] Douw was born on April 19, 1835, the eldest of eight children. Her family home was Wolvenhoeck, Greenbush on the east bank of the Hudson. By intermarriage she was related to many of the old and influential families including: Van Rensselaer, Beekman, Ten Broeck, De Peyster, Van Cortlandt and Livingston.

In 1869 Douw made her first visit to China on behalf of the Woman's Union Missionary Society of America for Heathen Lands (WUMS). [Note 1] She went to Beijing with two other women, Mrs Catherine Bonney and Miss Emily Adams, to open a boarding school for girls. In 1881 the mission was moved to Shanghai at which time a day-school was added to the facility. WUMS was one of the first organisations to permit single women to carry out this type of missionary work. They played an important role, working with women in situations where the presence of male missionaries would be inappropriate or forbidden. Some years later Douw funded the building of a female pavilion at the Pekin Presbyterian Hospital and paid for the attendance of a female doctor for this same reason. The hospital was run by Boudinot Currie Atterbury, a Presbyterian doctor from a wealthy family in America.[2] Douw, was related to Atterbury via the Van Rensselaer family and she became one of his largest sponsors.

Douw returned several times to China to continue her work. She set up a fund with the Woman’s Union Missionary Society of America for evangelistic work in Shanghai called the Douw Foundation.[3] This supported two missionaries, a bible school and women teachers. She also funded her own Christian Alliance Mission in Beijing.[4] In 1900 she was at the mission during the Boxer Rebellion when she and other missionaries were trapped in the foreign Legations. They were eventually rescued by a combined international force of troops and she returned to America, but never fully recovered from this experience and died in 1911.[5]



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l883年,美國基督教長老會海外傳道會派團來北京。女宣教士Douw. D. M隨團來到北京。她在傳福音中發現醫療條件極其落後,特別突出的是接生問題,不久之後她速返美國,向長老會募集資金及醫療宣教士。
1885年,Douw. D. M利用美國基督教長老會所捐之款,在安定門交道口北二條建平房l2間,這就是道濟醫院的前身——婦嬰醫院。積極推廣新法接生,由美國女醫生Marian Sine1ain負責醫療和管理工作,Jenet Mekillian姊妹負責護理和培養護士的工作。建院初期,人們懷疑她們的動機和方法,就醫的人寥寥無幾。
1894年Lenard. F. E接替Sine1ain院長。
1904年,婦嬰醫院經過幾年的宣傳和實踐,西醫的長處漸漸被人們認識,就診人數有所增加。於是Lenard和Jenet Mekillian積極培養中國助手,就在婦嬰醫院院內創辦附屬於醫院的護士學校,這就是道濟護士學校之始。
1917年,婦嬰醫院利用“庚子賠款”在原址的北麵又建起了一棟三層樓,隨後將長老會1901年在安定門外創辦的“安定男子醫院”合並。共有病床30張,其中男床10張,女床10張,婦產科l0張,為紀念創始人而命名為道濟醫院(Duow Hospital American Presbyterian Mission)。
1921年Lenard在京病逝,Bashes.E. N繼任醫長,醫院步人了鼎盛時期,在京城內外影響很大。與協和醫院(王府井帥府園1號)、同仁醫院(崇文門內大街2號)、潞河醫院(通縣)及長老會在華北的保定思羅醫院、天津大眾醫院、邢台福音醫院和順德府(邯鄲)福音醫院等共同構成了華北的西洋醫學網。
1945年8月日本投降後,長老會牧師Mellis. B. R收回醫院,恢複道濟醫院名稱,但醫院設備已經損失大半。董事會聘張雲楷為院長,1946年張辭職。長老會又聘美國Henke. J. H為院長,私立衛黎癆醫院並入,增設結核科病床10張,此時總床位達70張。
  1945年8月日本投降,長老會牧師Mellis.B.R收回醫院,恢複道濟醫院名稱,但醫院設備已經損失大半。董事會聘張雲楷為院長,1946年張辭職。長老會又聘美國Henke.J.H為院長,私立衛黎癆醫院並入,增設結核科病床10張,此時總床位達70張。* @6 A: H3 j3 r5 t$ x. x


中國第一家西醫醫院是廣州博濟醫院,更廣為人知的廣州真光眼科醫院。它由彼得·伯駕(Peter Parker,1804-1888)於1835年11月4日在廣州一家外商獨資工廠附近的十三行(綠豌豆街)7號成立。在清朝(1644-1911),廣州是唯一可以在歐洲和中國商人之間進行貿易的地方。這唯一的貿易港在第一次鴉片戰爭(1839-1842)之後也就不複存在了,因為清政府阻止外國人,主要是英國人,走私鴉片的行動。因為戰爭失敗,清政府不僅讓英國人恢複了在中國境內的販毒活動,也為向外商開放遼闊的中國市場,並讓傳教士進入中國鋪平了道路。


德博拉·瑪蒂爾·杜(Deborah Matilda Douw 1835-1911)資助並參加了在中國的傳教工作。 1900年,她被義和團抓獲。 1869年,杜女士代表美國婦女聯合會宣教協會海外宣教部(WUMS)首次訪問中國。她與另外兩名女性一起去北京為女孩開設寄宿學校。 1881年,該任務被移至上海,當時在該設施中增加了一所日間的女子學校。 WUMS是首批允許單身女性進行這種傳教工作的組織之一。這些學校發揮了重要作用,特別是在不適合男性傳教士工作的情況,甚至在禁止男性傳教士工作的領域,可以由女性傳教士來為女性服務。

Douw多次回到中國繼續工作,並與美國婦女聯合會傳教協會一起在上海為福音工作組織了一個名為Douw基金會的基金。這基金會支持了兩個傳教士,一所聖經學校和女教師們。她還資助她在北京的基督教聯盟機構。此外,Douw資助在北京長老會醫院建造一個女性病房,並為在那裏的一位女醫生支付費用。 1900年,當義和團運動的時候,她與其他傳教士被困在外國使館內。雖然他們最終由聯合的國際部隊獲救,她返回美國,但她從未完全從這次經曆中恢複過來,並於1911年去世。


The first Western-style hospital in China was the Canton Hospital, better known as the Ophthalmic Hospital in Canton. It was founded by Peter Parker (1804–1888), at Factory No. 7, Fung-taihong San-taulan (Green Pea) Street, a site near the foreign-owned factories in Canton (now known as Guangzhou), on November 4, 1835. During the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), Canton was the only place trade could be undertaken between European and Chinese merchants. The trade monopoly ended after the first Opium War (1839–1842), which had begun in response to the attempt of the Qing government to halt the illegal smuggling of opium by foreign, mainly English, ships in Canton. The failures of the Qing government during the war not only allowed the English to resume drug trafficking within China but also paved the way for the opening of lucrative Chinese markets to business people and of Chinese society to missionaries.

During the past 176 years, the first Western-style hospital in China, the Ophthalmic Hospital in Canton, has survived and thrived; it has become the leading ophthalmic institute in the country and one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. Currently, 724 staff members, including 170 ophthalmologists, work in the center.

Deborah Matilda Douw (1835-1911) funded and took part in missionary work in China. In 1900 she was caught up in the Boxer Rebellion. In 1869, Douw made her first visit to China on behalf of the Women's Union Missionary Society of America for Heathen Lands (WUMS). She went to Beijing with two other women to open a boarding school for girls. In 1881 the mission was moved to Shanghai at which time a day-school was added to the facility. WUMS was one of the first organizations to permit single women to carry out this type of missionary work. These schools played an important role, working with women in situations where the presence of male missionaries would be inappropriate or forbidden.

Douw returned several times to China to continue her work, and she set up a fund with the Woman’s Union Missionary Society of America for evangelistic work in Shanghai called the Douw Foundation. This supported two missionaries, a bible school and women teachers. She also funded her own Christian Alliance Mission in Beijing. In addition, Douw funded the building of a female pavilion at the Peking Presbyterian Hospital and paid for the attendance of a female doctor. In 1900 she was at the mission during the Boxer Rebellion when she and other missionaries were trapped in the foreign legations. Though they were eventually rescued by a combined international force of troops and she returned to America, she never fully recovered from this experience and died in 1911.

With time the expansion and growth of hospitals in China during the 1800s became more widely accepted. By 1937 there were 254 mission hospitals in China, but more than half of these were eventually destroyed by Japanese bombing during World War II or otherwise due to the Second Sino-Japanese War or the Chinese Civil War. After World War II most of these hospitals were at least partially rehabilitated, and eventually passed to the control of the Government of the Peoples' Republic of China, but are still functioning as hospitals.


