【初次】A Young Doctor's First Elderly Patient

來源: 2023-01-30 20:11:29 [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

Quite literally the very first time in his early career as a physician, he was shocked to the core. In medical school, he had learned of Paradigm Shift, now a popularized term meaning that the underlying assumptions of one's practice are fundamentally challenged. In other words, it is a sea change. No medical school has prepared him for such a sea change brought about by a no-nonsense 65-year-old gentleman with a soothing voice:

"Look, doc. I've had a tough life but I remain in good shape. I don't drink or smoke. Weather permitting, I can easily walk ten miles, as I just did early this morning. Yes, I walk the walk. With all due respect to you and your profession, I don't think I need an annual checkup. If and when I don't feel OK, I promise I'll schedule an appointment in no time. Make no mistake. I'll keep my Medicare and all that. Sounds good to you?"

The young doctor walked the senior citizen to his car, wishing him all the best. Then he dashed back to his office. Here's what he found in his quick research:

In a 1914 landmark case regarding the patient's informed consent, Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo affirmed that "every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body."

Whoever makes more sense should be listened to, especially when it comes to medical practice.


Author: Ren Qiulan