與你分享: 平凡生活的點滴是我手中多彩的調色板

來源: 2012-12-31 08:59:08 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:
First of all, wish you all a happy new year filled with love, peace and success!
平安夜--the Mission in Santa Barbara, California
Huntington Library 一角, <the blue boy>, 和一個非常Euro 打扮的lady
Christmas day morning--where are my presents?
My Prada, She is sent to boading School with her brother Smokey whenever
We are away from home. She is not happy about the Arrangement....
親戚的朋友是local的artist,she decorated her porch with
these colorful lanterns。
Saks, trying on DVF、 her stuff is just never cut out for me.
Nativity scene at SB local church, played by real people and live animals, a must visit
Place every time we visit our relatives
俺自己的衣服,外麵搭一件black cashmere long cardigan
Fun of trying on clothes :)